Venture Management enables you to Architect Global foundation and improved Bussines Processes efficiently
Download Now Read MoreHangOn
HangOnHangOn is a partner who helps customers to find smart solutions for hanging, masking and handling which increases the efficiency and profitability in their coating process. We develop and produce in our own factories and is tribute our products to more than 40 countries around the world.
TQC Sheen
TQC SheenTQC Sheen designs and produces field measuring instruments and lab equipment for testing paint and coatings and general surface treatment. Our objective is to create and offer solutions for every possible QC-application in surface technology. TQC Sheen products are known for their ergonomic features and user friendliness. TQC Sheen's production facility is located in The Netherlands. In order to complete our range we work closely together with renowned manufacturers from all over the world.
ElmedELMED specialises in the design and manufacture of measuring and testing equipment. For over 65 years customers in many technical fields have been relying on this middle-sized company. Over the years ELMED has contributed to progress made in many technical branches. Our contributions are based on product innovation and product quality.
GemaMore than 40 years' experience in powder coating, innovative solutions and advanced technologies make Gema the APPLICATION EXPERT for your special coating demands.
We are committed to the Service
See how Client has transformed clinical trials quickly and securely using our platform
Venture help you Created Apps both mobile and desktop with Innovative Features and publish it
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Venture help you Created Apps both mobile and desktop with Innovative Features and publish it
Venture help you Created Apps both mobile and desktop with Innovative Features and publish it
Late last year British company Sheen Instruments was acquired by TQC BV of The Netherlands.
We are very proud to inform you that we have won the "BESSER LACKIEREN" Supplier Award 2019.
By choosing genuine Gema components you will increase your coating performance and increase your equipment’s lifespan.
We are committed to the Service
See how Client has transformed clinical trials quickly and securely using our platform